New 101Translations Project Manager
I've just received an email from a former project manager of a translation agency, 101Translations, I often work with. The following days will be a new start to providing information again to be able to update their database. Of course, frequent collaborators like me will still be given priority in jobs. I just hope the new project manager is as efficient and kind as the one who was in-charge of that post, Giovanni Giusti.
Welcome Bellinda Zabcic!
Welcome Bellinda Zabcic!
I did a translation of the "Desiderata" so that it will be more accessible to my children. I wonder if that is good enough. Care to look? I'd appreciate it a lot. Here's the url:
How many languages do you speak? I'm so fond of languages but don't speak any other except english. oh yes, we did Spanish in school before but I had nobody to talk to, di din ako natuto.
Hi! I speak Tagalog, English, Spanish, Catalan, French and Japanese. I will comment on your translation of Desiderata later on. I read it and I like it. More comments on you weblog soon, promise.
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Interesting article, added his blog to Favorites
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