Tuesday, July 13, 2004

Free translation for freelance translator

A familiar email just popped up into my inbox this morning. The email contains a request to translate some lines from a chat session from somebody I don't know. And it talks about a trivial declaration of love! As much as I want to help this girl in her search for the meaning of the lines written in a chat but I don't do free long translations (more than 250 words) anymore just like any doctor who doesn't do a free consultation.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice. I will link to this article. take a look at ICanFreelance.com for any legal outsourcing or freelance copywriting you need.

12:52 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

russell peters outsourced, online jobs and online work and freelance translation can be found at ICanFreelance.com

2:28 AM  

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